Autoencoders for discovering manifold dimension and coordinates in data from complex dynamical systems


現在の研究では、内部線形層による暗黙的な正則化と $L_2$ 正則化 (重み減衰) を組み合わせたオートエンコーダ フレームワークを導入して、データセットの基礎となる次元を自動的に推定し、直交多様体座標系を生成し、アンビエント間のマッピング関数を提供します。
私たちは、ネットワークのトレーニング ダイナミクスを分析して、低ランク学習のメカニズムについての洞察を収集し、暗黙的な正則化層のそれぞれが集合的に低ランク表現を複合化し、トレーニング中に自己修正することさえあることを発見しました。


While many phenomena in physics and engineering are formally high-dimensional, their long-time dynamics often live on a lower-dimensional manifold. The present work introduces an autoencoder framework that combines implicit regularization with internal linear layers and $L_2$ regularization (weight decay) to automatically estimate the underlying dimensionality of a data set, produce an orthogonal manifold coordinate system, and provide the mapping functions between the ambient space and manifold space, allowing for out-of-sample projections. We validate our framework’s ability to estimate the manifold dimension for a series of datasets from dynamical systems of varying complexities and compare to other state-of-the-art estimators. We analyze the training dynamics of the network to glean insight into the mechanism of low-rank learning and find that collectively each of the implicit regularizing layers compound the low-rank representation and even self-correct during training. Analysis of gradient descent dynamics for this architecture in the linear case reveals the role of the internal linear layers in leading to faster decay of a ‘collective weight variable’ incorporating all layers, and the role of weight decay in breaking degeneracies and thus driving convergence along directions in which no decay would occur in its absence. We show that this framework can be naturally extended for applications of state-space modeling and forecasting by generating a data-driven dynamic model of a spatiotemporally chaotic partial differential equation using only the manifold coordinates. Finally, we demonstrate that our framework is robust to hyperparameter choices.


著者 Kevin Zeng,Carlos E. Pérez De Jesús,Andrew J. Fox,Michael D. Graham
発行日 2023-12-05 17:16:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, nlin.CD パーマリンク