RobotGPT: Robot Manipulation Learning from ChatGPT




We present RobotGPT, an innovative decision framework for robotic manipulation that prioritizes stability and safety. The execution code generated by ChatGPT cannot guarantee the stability and safety of the system. ChatGPT may provide different answers for the same task, leading to unpredictability. This instability prevents the direct integration of ChatGPT into the robot manipulation loop. Although setting the temperature to 0 can generate more consistent outputs, it may cause ChatGPT to lose diversity and creativity. Our objective is to leverage ChatGPT’s problem-solving capabilities in robot manipulation and train a reliable agent. The framework includes an effective prompt structure and a robust learning model. Additionally, we introduce a metric for measuring task difficulty to evaluate ChatGPT’s performance in robot manipulation. Furthermore, we evaluate RobotGPT in both simulation and real-world environments. Compared to directly using ChatGPT to generate code, our framework significantly improves task success rates, with an average increase from 38.5% to 91.5%. Therefore, training a RobotGPT by utilizing ChatGPT as an expert is a more stable approach compared to directly using ChatGPT as a task planner.


著者 Yixiang Jin,Dingzhe Li,Yong A,Jun Shi,Peng Hao,Fuchun Sun,Jianwei Zhang,Bin Fang
発行日 2023-12-03 14:59:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク