Online Change Points Detection for Linear Dynamical Systems with Finite Sample Guarantees


オンライン変化点検出に関する既存の研究は、i.i.d データを前提とし、漸近分析に焦点を当て、検出精度と検出遅延の間のトレードオフに関する理論的保証を提示していないか、単一の変化点の検出にのみ適しています。


The problem of online change point detection is to detect abrupt changes in properties of time series, ideally as soon as possible after those changes occur. Existing work on online change point detection either assumes i.i.d data, focuses on asymptotic analysis, does not present theoretical guarantees on the trade-off between detection accuracy and detection delay, or is only suitable for detecting single change points. In this work, we study the online change point detection problem for linear dynamical systems with unknown dynamics, where the data exhibits temporal correlations and the system could have multiple change points. We develop a data-dependent threshold that can be used in our test that allows one to achieve a pre-specified upper bound on the probability of making a false alarm. We further provide a finite-sample-based bound for the probability of detecting a change point. Our bound demonstrates how parameters used in our algorithm affect the detection probability and delay, and provides guidance on the minimum required time between changes to guarantee detection.


著者 Lei Xin,George Chiu,Shreyas Sundaram
発行日 2023-11-30 18:08:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SY, eess.SY, stat.ML パーマリンク