Efficient, Responsive, and Robust Hopping on Deformable Terrain


この意図的に単純化されたロボット地形モデルから、ホップツーホップ エネルギー リターン マップを導出し、物理実験とシミュレーションを使用して、実際の変形可能な基板上でホップする実際のロボットのホップツーホップ エネルギー マップを検証します。
このマップの動的特性 (固定点、固有値、引力領域) は、変形可能な地形上での効率的で応答性の高い堅牢な移動に関する洞察を提供します。
最後に、変形可能な地形上での効率的で機敏で堅牢な脚移動の計画、制御、推定に対するこのホップツーホップ エネルギー マップの意味について議論します。


Legged robot locomotion is hindered by a mismatch between applications where legs can outperform wheels or treads, most of which feature deformable substrates, and existing tools for planning and control, most of which assume flat, rigid substrates. In this study we focus on the ramifications of plastic terrain deformation on the hop-to-hop energy dynamics of a spring-legged monopedal hopping robot animated by a switched-compliance energy injection controller. From this deliberately simple robot-terrain model, we derive a hop-to-hop energy return map, and we use physical experiments and simulations to validate the hop-to-hop energy map for a real robot hopping on a real deformable substrate. The dynamical properties (fixed points, eigenvalues, basins of attraction) of this map provide insights into efficient, responsive, and robust locomotion on deformable terrain. Specifically, we identify constant-fixed-point surfaces in a controller parameter space that suggest it is possible to tune control parameters for efficiency or responsiveness while targeting a desired gait energy level. We also identify conditions under which fixed points of the energy map are globally stable, and we further characterize the basins of attraction of fixed points when these conditions are not satisfied. We conclude by discussing the implications of this hop-to-hop energy map for planning, control, and estimation for efficient, agile, and robust legged locomotion on deformable terrain.


著者 Daniel J. Lynch,Jason L. Pusey,Sean W. Gart,Paul B. Umbanhowar,Kevin M. Lynch
発行日 2023-11-30 16:31:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク