Meaning Representations from Trajectories in Autoregressive Models


さらに、ベクトルベースの表現とは異なり、分布ベースの表現は、尤度関数間の代数演算を使用することにより、非対称関係 (論理含意の方向、上位名/下位名関係など) をモデル化することもできます。
最後に、マルチモーダル自己回帰モデルを使用して、さまざまなモダリティ (画像やテキストなど) からのデータを表現する方法を拡張します。
コードは から入手できます。


We propose to extract meaning representations from autoregressive language models by considering the distribution of all possible trajectories extending an input text. This strategy is prompt-free, does not require fine-tuning, and is applicable to any pre-trained autoregressive model. Moreover, unlike vector-based representations, distribution-based representations can also model asymmetric relations (e.g., direction of logical entailment, hypernym/hyponym relations) by using algebraic operations between likelihood functions. These ideas are grounded in distributional perspectives on semantics and are connected to standard constructions in automata theory, but to our knowledge they have not been applied to modern language models. We empirically show that the representations obtained from large models align well with human annotations, outperform other zero-shot and prompt-free methods on semantic similarity tasks, and can be used to solve more complex entailment and containment tasks that standard embeddings cannot handle. Finally, we extend our method to represent data from different modalities (e.g., image and text) using multimodal autoregressive models. Our code is available at:


著者 Tian Yu Liu,Matthew Trager,Alessandro Achille,Pramuditha Perera,Luca Zancato,Stefano Soatto
発行日 2023-11-29 05:32:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク