Enhancing Post-Hoc Explanation Benchmark Reliability for Image Classification


ディープ ニューラル ネットワークは、画像分類には強力ですが、多くの場合「ブラック ボックス」として動作し、意思決定プロセスの理解を複雑にします。
この研究では、ロバスト性とキャリブレーションを強化するために、摂動サンプルの供給や焦点損失の採用など、モデル トレーニングの変更を提案しています。


Deep neural networks, while powerful for image classification, often operate as ‘black boxes,’ complicating the understanding of their decision-making processes. Various explanation methods, particularly those generating saliency maps, aim to address this challenge. However, the inconsistency issues of faithfulness metrics hinder reliable benchmarking of explanation methods. This paper employs an approach inspired by psychometrics, utilizing Krippendorf’s alpha to quantify the benchmark reliability of post-hoc methods in image classification. The study proposes model training modifications, including feeding perturbed samples and employing focal loss, to enhance robustness and calibration. Empirical evaluations demonstrate significant improvements in benchmark reliability across metrics, datasets, and post-hoc methods. This pioneering work establishes a foundation for more reliable evaluation practices in the realm of post-hoc explanation methods, emphasizing the importance of model robustness in the assessment process.


著者 Tristan Gomez,Harold Mouchère
発行日 2023-11-29 18:21:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク