Evaluating Optimal Reference Translations


現在の機械翻訳 (MT) システムが高リソース言語ペアに対して達成する全体的な翻訳品質は、非常に優れています。
さらに、標準的な参考翻訳の品質には一般的に疑問があり、いくつかの言語ペアでは MT だけで同等の品質レベルに達しています。


The overall translation quality reached by current machine translation (MT) systems for high-resourced language pairs is remarkably good. Standard methods of evaluation are not suitable nor intended to uncover the many translation errors and quality deficiencies that still persist. Furthermore, the quality of standard reference translations is commonly questioned and comparable quality levels have been reached by MT alone in several language pairs. Navigating further research in these high-resource settings is thus difficult. In this article, we propose a methodology for creating more reliable document-level human reference translations, called ‘optimal reference translations,’ with the simple aim to raise the bar of what should be deemed ‘human translation quality.’ We evaluate the obtained document-level optimal reference translations in comparison with ‘standard’ ones, confirming a significant quality increase and also documenting the relationship between evaluation and translation editing.


著者 Vilém Zouhar,Věra Kloudová,Martin Popel,Ondřej Bojar
発行日 2023-11-28 13:50:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク