Assessing the influence of attractor-verb distance on grammatical agreement in humans and language models


たとえば、「男の子の近くの女の子は登山が好きです」という文では、アトラクター (男の子) と動詞 (likes) の文法数が一致せず、局所的にありえない遷移確率が生じます。
人間と 2 つの人工ニューラル ネットワーク モデルの両方のパフォーマンスを評価します。アトラクターが動詞に近づくとどちらも間違いが多くなりますが、ニューラル ネットワークはチャンス レベルに近づく一方、人間はアトラクターの干渉をほぼ克服できます。
データと分析は で入手可能です


Subject-verb agreement in the presence of an attractor noun located between the main noun and the verb elicits complex behavior: judgments of grammaticality are modulated by the grammatical features of the attractor. For example, in the sentence ‘The girl near the boys likes climbing’, the attractor (boys) disagrees in grammatical number with the verb (likes), creating a locally implausible transition probability. Here, we parametrically modulate the distance between the attractor and the verb while keeping the length of the sentence equal. We evaluate the performance of both humans and two artificial neural network models: both make more mistakes when the attractor is closer to the verb, but neural networks get close to the chance level while humans are mostly able to overcome the attractor interference. Additionally, we report a linear effect of attractor distance on reaction times. We hypothesize that a possible reason for the proximity effect is the calculation of transition probabilities between adjacent words. Nevertheless, classical models of attraction such as the cue-based model might suffice to explain this phenomenon, thus paving the way for new research. Data and analyses available at


著者 Christos-Nikolaos Zacharopoulos,Théo Desbordes,Mathias Sablé-Meyer
発行日 2023-11-28 17:25:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク