Improving Trajectory Prediction in Dynamic Multi-Agent Environment by Dropping Waypoints


さらに、予測手法は多くの場合、観測された軌道ウェイポイント シーケンスが完全であるという前提の下で動作し、そのパフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性がある欠損値が発生する可能性があるシナリオを無視します。
さらに、これらのモデルは、予測を行うときに特定のウェイポイント シーケンスに偏る可能性があります。
我々は、軌道予測モデルのトレーニング中に時間的依存関係を明示的に組み込む、Temporal Waypoint Dropping (TWD) と呼ばれる新しいアプローチを提案します。
確率的時間ウェイポイント ドロップをモデル学習プロセスに組み込むと、欠損値のあるシナリオでのパフォーマンスが大幅に向上します。
提案したアプローチを NBA Sports VU、ETH-UCY、TrajNet++ の 3 つのデータセットで評価します。


The inherently diverse and uncertain nature of trajectories presents a formidable challenge in accurately modeling them. Motion prediction systems must effectively learn spatial and temporal information from the past to forecast the future trajectories of the agent. Many existing methods learn temporal motion via separate components within stacked models to capture temporal features. Furthermore, prediction methods often operate under the assumption that observed trajectory waypoint sequences are complete, disregarding scenarios where missing values may occur, which can influence their performance. Moreover, these models may be biased toward particular waypoint sequences when making predictions. We propose a novel approach called Temporal Waypoint Dropping (TWD) that explicitly incorporates temporal dependencies during the training of a trajectory prediction model. By stochastically dropping waypoints from past observed trajectories, the model is forced to learn the underlying temporal representation from the remaining waypoints, resulting in an improved model. Incorporating stochastic temporal waypoint dropping into the model learning process significantly enhances its performance in scenarios with missing values. Experimental results demonstrate our approach’s substantial improvement in trajectory prediction capabilities. Our approach can complement existing trajectory prediction methods to improve their prediction accuracy. We evaluate our proposed approach on three datasets: NBA Sports VU, ETH-UCY, and TrajNet++.


著者 Pranav Singh Chib,Pravendra Singh
発行日 2023-11-26 18:53:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク