Forecasting Auxiliary Energy Consumption for Electric Heavy-Duty Vehicles


商用車は、輸送タスク、環境、ドライバーの変化に応じて動作が異なるため、エネルギー消費を予測する AI システムを構築する場合は、異種混合が予想されます。
このような統計現象のよく知られた例の 1 つは、シンプソンのパラドックスです。
この論文では、このような設定が、グローバルな特徴統計を生成する既存の XAI 手法にとって課題となることを説明します。
LIME または SHAP は、誤解を招く結果をもたらす原因となります。
これにより、優れた回帰パフォーマンスが得られるだけでなく、より適切で一貫性のある LIME 説明が得られます。


Accurate energy consumption prediction is crucial for optimizing the operation of electric commercial heavy-duty vehicles, e.g., route planning for charging. Moreover, understanding why certain predictions are cast is paramount for such a predictive model to gain user trust and be deployed in practice. Since commercial vehicles operate differently as transportation tasks, ambient, and drivers vary, a heterogeneous population is expected when building an AI system for forecasting energy consumption. The dependencies between the input features and the target values are expected to also differ across sub-populations. One well-known example of such a statistical phenomenon is the Simpson paradox. In this paper, we illustrate that such a setting poses a challenge for existing XAI methods that produce global feature statistics, e.g. LIME or SHAP, causing them to yield misleading results. We demonstrate a potential solution by training multiple regression models on subsets of data. It not only leads to superior regression performance but also more relevant and consistent LIME explanations. Given that the employed groupings correspond to relevant sub-populations, the associations between the input features and the target values are consistent within each cluster but different across clusters. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets show that such splitting of a complex problem into simpler ones yields better regression performance and interpretability.


著者 Yuantao Fan,Zhenkan Wang,Sepideh Pashami,Slawomir Nowaczyk,Henrik Ydreskog
発行日 2023-11-27 16:52:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク