Towards Concept-based Interpretability of Skin Lesion Diagnosis using Vision-Language Models


特に、概念ベースの記述をテキスト埋め込みとして使用して、CLIP を皮膚病変分類の下流タスクに適応させるための埋め込み学習戦略を提案します。


Concept-based models naturally lend themselves to the development of inherently interpretable skin lesion diagnosis, as medical experts make decisions based on a set of visual patterns of the lesion. Nevertheless, the development of these models depends on the existence of concept-annotated datasets, whose availability is scarce due to the specialized knowledge and expertise required in the annotation process. In this work, we show that vision-language models can be used to alleviate the dependence on a large number of concept-annotated samples. In particular, we propose an embedding learning strategy to adapt CLIP to the downstream task of skin lesion classification using concept-based descriptions as textual embeddings. Our experiments reveal that vision-language models not only attain better accuracy when using concepts as textual embeddings, but also require a smaller number of concept-annotated samples to attain comparable performance to approaches specifically devised for automatic concept generation.


著者 Cristiano Patrício,Luís F. Teixeira,João C. Neves
発行日 2023-11-24 08:31:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク