Highly Detailed and Temporal Consistent Video Stylization via Synchronized Multi-Frame Diffusion


テキスト ガイド付きのビデオ間スタイル化により、ソース ビデオの外観がテキストのプロンプトに基づいて別の外観に変換されます。
元のビデオからのオプティカル フローは、フレーム間の接続、つまり情報共有の場として機能します。


Text-guided video-to-video stylization transforms the visual appearance of a source video to a different appearance guided on textual prompts. Existing text-guided image diffusion models can be extended for stylized video synthesis. However, they struggle to generate videos with both highly detailed appearance and temporal consistency. In this paper, we propose a synchronized multi-frame diffusion framework to maintain both the visual details and the temporal consistency. Frames are denoised in a synchronous fashion, and more importantly, information of different frames is shared since the beginning of the denoising process. Such information sharing ensures that a consensus, in terms of the overall structure and color distribution, among frames can be reached in the early stage of the denoising process before it is too late. The optical flow from the original video serves as the connection, and hence the venue for information sharing, among frames. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating high-quality and diverse results in extensive experiments. Our method shows superior qualitative and quantitative results compared to state-of-the-art video editing methods.


著者 Minshan Xie,Hanyuan Liu,Chengze Li,Tien-Tsin Wong
発行日 2023-11-24 08:38:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク