Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Active Preference Learning


ただし、多目的最適化 (MOO) 問題では、パレート フロント全体を特定するには法外な検索コストが必要ですが、実際の多くのシナリオでは、意思決定者 (DM) は一連のパレート最適解の中から特定の解のみを必要とします。
最も好ましい解決策を探るために、目的関数と DM プリファレンスの両方の不確実性が組み込まれた取得関数を定義します。
さらに、DM との対話コストを最小限に抑えるために、嗜好推定のための能動学習戦略も提案します。


There are a lot of real-world black-box optimization problems that need to optimize multiple criteria simultaneously. However, in a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem, identifying the whole Pareto front requires the prohibitive search cost, while in many practical scenarios, the decision maker (DM) only needs a specific solution among the set of the Pareto optimal solutions. We propose a Bayesian optimization (BO) approach to identifying the most preferred solution in the MOO with expensive objective functions, in which a Bayesian preference model of the DM is adaptively estimated by an interactive manner based on the two types of supervisions called the pairwise preference and improvement request. To explore the most preferred solution, we define an acquisition function in which the uncertainty both in the objective functions and the DM preference is incorporated. Further, to minimize the interaction cost with the DM, we also propose an active learning strategy for the preference estimation. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method through the benchmark function optimization and the hyper-parameter optimization problems for machine learning models.


著者 Ryota Ozaki,Kazuki Ishikawa,Youhei Kanzaki,Shinya Suzuki,Shion Takeno,Ichiro Takeuchi,Masayuki Karasuyama
発行日 2023-11-22 15:24:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク