Regression-Based Analysis of Multimodal Single-Cell Data Integration Strategies


これらの障害に対処するために、独自の機械学習技術が活用され、それぞれが DNA から RNA へ、そして最終的には造血幹細胞の発達中の単一細胞の表面タンパク質への共変動をモデル化します。これにより、根底にある細胞機構の理解が簡素化され、
300,000 細胞の時間経過データセットの精選されたサブセットに対して行われた実験は、Echo State Networks の卓越したパフォーマンスを強調し、Multi-omic および CiteSeq データセットで 0.94 および 0.895 という注目すべき最先端の相関スコアを誇ります。


Multimodal single-cell technologies enable the simultaneous collection of diverse data types from individual cells, enhancing our understanding of cellular states. However, the integration of these datatypes and modeling the interrelationships between modalities presents substantial computational and analytical challenges in disease biomarker detection and drug discovery. Established practices rely on isolated methodologies to investigate individual molecular aspects separately, often resulting in inaccurate analyses. To address these obstacles, distinct Machine Learning Techniques are leveraged, each of its own kind to model the co-variation of DNA to RNA, and finally to surface proteins in single cells during hematopoietic stem cell development, which simplifies understanding of underlying cellular mechanisms and immune responses. Experiments conducted on a curated subset of a 300,000-cell time course dataset, highlights the exceptional performance of Echo State Networks, boasting a remarkable state-of-the-art correlation score of 0.94 and 0.895 on Multi-omic and CiteSeq datasets. Beyond the confines of this study, these findings hold promise for advancing comprehension of cellular differentiation and function, leveraging the potential of Machine Learning.


著者 Bhavya Mehta,Nirmit Deliwala,Madhav Chandane
発行日 2023-11-21 16:31:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, q-bio.GN パーマリンク