Compressive Fourier collocation methods for high-dimensional diffusion equations with periodic boundary conditions


高次元偏微分方程式 (PDE) は、金融から計算化学に至るまで幅広い用途で使用される、人気のある数学モデリング ツールです。
圧縮センシングとスペクトル コロケーションからのアイデアを組み合わせた私たちの方法では、構造化コロケーション グリッドの使用をモンテカルロ サンプリングに置き換え、直交マッチング追跡や $\ell^1$ 最小化などのスパース回復手法を使用して偏微分方程式のフーリエ係数を近似します。


High-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are a popular mathematical modelling tool, with applications ranging from finance to computational chemistry. However, standard numerical techniques for solving these PDEs are typically affected by the curse of dimensionality. In this work, we tackle this challenge while focusing on stationary diffusion equations defined over a high-dimensional domain with periodic boundary conditions. Inspired by recent progress in sparse function approximation in high dimensions, we propose a new method called compressive Fourier collocation. Combining ideas from compressive sensing and spectral collocation, our method replaces the use of structured collocation grids with Monte Carlo sampling and employs sparse recovery techniques, such as orthogonal matching pursuit and $\ell^1$ minimization, to approximate the Fourier coefficients of the PDE solution. We conduct a rigorous theoretical analysis showing that the approximation error of the proposed method is comparable with the best $s$-term approximation (with respect to the Fourier basis) to the solution. Using the recently introduced framework of random sampling in bounded Riesz systems, our analysis shows that the compressive Fourier collocation method mitigates the curse of dimensionality with respect to the number of collocation points under sufficient conditions on the regularity of the diffusion coefficient. We also present numerical experiments that illustrate the accuracy and stability of the method for the approximation of sparse and compressible solutions.


著者 Weiqi Wang,Simone Brugiapaglia
発行日 2023-11-21 18:31:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 65N35, cs.LG, cs.NA, math.NA パーマリンク