ATLANTIC: Structure-Aware Retrieval-Augmented Language Model for Interdisciplinary Science


15 を超える科学分野 (例: 物理学、医学、化学など) の文書を結び付ける、複数のタイプの関係 (例: 引用、共著など) をキャプチャする異種文書グラフを作成します。
厳選されたドキュメント グラフ上でグラフ ニューラル ネットワークをトレーニングし、モデルの事前トレーニング中に取得された対応するパッセージの構造エンコーダーとして機能します。
特に、取得したパッセージのテキスト埋め込みとともに、ドキュメント (パッセージ) の構造的埋め込みを取得し、言語モデルに入力する前にそれらを融合します。


Large language models record impressive performance on many natural language processing tasks. However, their knowledge capacity is limited to the pretraining corpus. Retrieval augmentation offers an effective solution by retrieving context from external knowledge sources to complement the language model. However, existing retrieval augmentation techniques ignore the structural relationships between these documents. Furthermore, retrieval models are not explored much in scientific tasks, especially in regard to the faithfulness of retrieved documents. In this paper, we propose a novel structure-aware retrieval augmented language model that accommodates document structure during retrieval augmentation. We create a heterogeneous document graph capturing multiple types of relationships (e.g., citation, co-authorship, etc.) that connect documents from more than 15 scientific disciplines (e.g., Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, etc.). We train a graph neural network on the curated document graph to act as a structural encoder for the corresponding passages retrieved during the model pretraining. Particularly, along with text embeddings of the retrieved passages, we obtain structural embeddings of the documents (passages) and fuse them together before feeding them to the language model. We evaluate our model extensively on various scientific benchmarks that include science question-answering and scientific document classification tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that structure-aware retrieval improves retrieving more coherent, faithful and contextually relevant passages, while showing a comparable performance in the overall accuracy.


著者 Sai Munikoti,Anurag Acharya,Sridevi Wagle,Sameera Horawalavithana
発行日 2023-11-21 02:02:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, I.2.7 パーマリンク