Analyzing Emissions and Energy Efficiency in Mixed Traffic Control at Unsignalized Intersections


この研究では、待ち時間と渋滞を軽減するためにロボット車両 (RV) によって混合交通制御戦略が採用されている、複雑な現実世界のトポロジーと交通需要を持つ信号のない交差点での排出量分析を提供します。
RV 普及率が少なくとも 10% の場合、RV は信号交差点よりも燃料消費量が最大 27%、NOx 排出量が最大 28% 少ないことがわかります。
RV が 30% 以上であれば、CO 排出量は最大 42%、HC 排出量は 43% 削減されます。
さらに、RV は交差点でのみ戦略を採用しているにもかかわらず、ネットワーク全体で排出量を削減できます。


Greenhouse gas emissions have dramatically risen since the early 1900s with U.S. transportation generating 28% of the U.S’ emissions. As such, there is interest in reducing transportation-related emissions. Specifically, sustainability research has sprouted around signalized intersections as intersections allow different streams of traffic to cross and change directions. Recent research has developed mixed traffic control eco-driving strategies at signalized intersections to decrease emissions. However, the inherent structure of a signalized intersection generates increased emissions by creating frequent acceleration/deceleration events, excessive idling from traffic congestion, and stop-and-go waves. Thus, we believe unsignalized intersections hold potential for further sustainability improvements. In this work, we provide an emissions analysis on unsignalized intersections with complex, real-world topologies and traffic demands where mixed traffic control strategies are employed by robot vehicles (RVs) to reduce waiting times and congestion. We find with at least 10% RV penetration rate, RVs generate less fuel consumption and NOx emissions than signalized intersections by up to 27% and 28%, respectively. With at least 30% RVs, CO and HC emissions are reduced by up to 42% and 43%, respectively. Additionally, RVs can reduce emissions across the whole network despite only employing their strategies at the intersections.


著者 Michael Villarreal,Dawei Wang,Jia Pan,Weizi Li
発行日 2023-11-20 16:02:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY パーマリンク