AdvGen: Physical Adversarial Attack on Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems


現実世界に顔認証モデルを安全に導入するには、敵対的画像のリスク レベルを評価することが不可欠です。
私たちは、印刷およびリプレイ攻撃をシミュレートし、物理ドメイン攻撃設定で最先端の PAD をだますことができる敵対的イメージを生成する、自動化された敵対的生成ネットワークである AdvGen を提案します。
この攻撃戦略を使用すると、攻撃の成功率は 82.01% に達します。
私たちは、4 つのデータセットと 10 個の最先端の PAD で AdvGen を広範囲にテストしています。


Evaluating the risk level of adversarial images is essential for safely deploying face authentication models in the real world. Popular approaches for physical-world attacks, such as print or replay attacks, suffer from some limitations, like including physical and geometrical artifacts. Recently, adversarial attacks have gained attraction, which try to digitally deceive the learning strategy of a recognition system using slight modifications to the captured image. While most previous research assumes that the adversarial image could be digitally fed into the authentication systems, this is not always the case for systems deployed in the real world. This paper demonstrates the vulnerability of face authentication systems to adversarial images in physical world scenarios. We propose AdvGen, an automated Generative Adversarial Network, to simulate print and replay attacks and generate adversarial images that can fool state-of-the-art PADs in a physical domain attack setting. Using this attack strategy, the attack success rate goes up to 82.01%. We test AdvGen extensively on four datasets and ten state-of-the-art PADs. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack by conducting experiments in a realistic, physical environment.


著者 Sai Amrit Patnaik,Shivali Chansoriya,Anil K. Jain,Anoop M. Namboodiri
発行日 2023-11-20 13:28:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク