Adaptive Training Distributions with Scalable Online Bilevel Optimization


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このパラダイムでは、大規模で異種の事前トレーニング データの分布がアプリケーション ドメインの分布と一致することはほとんどありません。
スケーラビリティを念頭に置いて、私たちのアルゴリズムは、ターゲットの分布での損失を最も改善する可能性が高いトレーニング ポイントでの勾配の計算を優先します。


Large neural networks pretrained on web-scale corpora are central to modern machine learning. In this paradigm, the distribution of the large, heterogeneous pretraining data rarely matches that of the application domain. This work considers modifying the pretraining distribution in the case where one has a small sample of data reflecting the targeted test conditions. We propose an algorithm motivated by a recent formulation of this setting as an online, bilevel optimization problem. With scalability in mind, our algorithm prioritizes computing gradients at training points which are likely to most improve the loss on the targeted distribution. Empirically, we show that in some cases this approach is beneficial over existing strategies from the domain adaptation literature but may not succeed in other cases. We propose a simple test to evaluate when our approach can be expected to work well and point towards further research to address current limitations.


著者 David Grangier,Pierre Ablin,Awni Hannun
発行日 2023-11-20 18:01:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク