Regions are Who Walk Them: a Large Pre-trained Spatiotemporal Model Based on Human Mobility for Ubiquitous Urban Sensing


ユーザー プロファイリングと地域分析は、大きな商業的価値を持つ 2 つのタスクです。
ただし、実際のアプリケーションでは、さまざまな機能のモデリングには通常、データの準備、データ処理、モデルの確立、評価、最適化という 4 つの主要な手順が含まれます。
これは次の特徴を備えています。 1) 軌道データ用に調整され、最大 1B のパラメータ数を持つ GPT のような構造が導入されています。
2) 時空間微調整モジュールを導入し、軌跡をユーザーの集合として解釈して、任意の領域埋め込みを導き出します。


User profiling and region analysis are two tasks of significant commercial value. However, in practical applications, modeling different features typically involves four main steps: data preparation, data processing, model establishment, evaluation, and optimization. This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Repeating this workflow for each feature results in abundant development time for tasks and a reduced overall volume of task development. Indeed, human mobility data contains a wealth of information. Several successful cases suggest that conducting in-depth analysis of population movement data could potentially yield meaningful profiles about users and areas. Nonetheless, most related works have not thoroughly utilized the semantic information within human mobility data and trained on a fixed number of the regions. To tap into the rich information within population movement, based on the perspective that Regions Are Who walk them, we propose a large spatiotemporal model based on trajectories (RAW). It possesses the following characteristics: 1) Tailored for trajectory data, introducing a GPT-like structure with a parameter count of up to 1B; 2) Introducing a spatiotemporal fine-tuning module, interpreting trajectories as collection of users to derive arbitrary region embedding. This framework allows rapid task development based on the large spatiotemporal model. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed large spatiotemporal model. It’s evident that our proposed method, relying solely on human mobility data without additional features, exhibits a certain level of relevance in user profiling and region analysis. Moreover, our model showcases promising predictive capabilities in trajectory generation tasks based on the current state, offering the potential for further innovative work utilizing this large spatiotemporal model.


著者 Ruixing Zhang,Liangzhe Han,Leilei Sun,Yunqi Liu,Jibin Wang,Weifeng Lv
発行日 2023-11-17 11:55:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68T30, cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク