Towards Formal Fault Injection for Safety Assessment of Automated Systems


このビジョン ペーパーでは、自律システムの信頼性を強化するために、開発ライフサイクル全体を通じてこれら 2 つの手法を融合した正式なフォールト インジェクションを紹介します。
私たちは、形式的手法とフォールト挿入の間の相互サポートの 5 つの領域を特定することにより、より一貫性のあるアプローチを提唱します。
2 つの分野間の連携を強化することで、安全で信頼できる自律システムの開発への道を切り開きます。


Reasoning about safety, security, and other dependability attributes of autonomous systems is a challenge that needs to be addressed before the adoption of such systems in day-to-day life. Formal methods is a class of methods that mathematically reason about a system’s behavior. Thus, a correctness proof is sufficient to conclude the system’s dependability. However, these methods are usually applied to abstract models of the system, which might not fully represent the actual system. Fault injection, on the other hand, is a testing method to evaluate the dependability of systems. However, the amount of testing required to evaluate the system is rather large and often a problem. This vision paper introduces formal fault injection, a fusion of these two techniques throughout the development lifecycle to enhance the dependability of autonomous systems. We advocate for a more cohesive approach by identifying five areas of mutual support between formal methods and fault injection. By forging stronger ties between the two fields, we pave the way for developing safe and dependable autonomous systems. This paper delves into the integration’s potential and outlines future research avenues, addressing open challenges along the way.


著者 Ashfaq Farooqui,Behrooz Sangchoolie
発行日 2023-11-16 11:34:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク