Redefining the Laparoscopic Spatial Sense: AI-based Intra- and Postoperative Measurement from Stereoimages


この論文では、熟練の外科医によって指導された、ステレオビジョンを利用した腹腔鏡測定のための新しい人間 AI ベースの方法を開発します。
この研究では、全体的な定性的要件分析に基づいて、RAFT-Stereo や YOLOv8 などの最先端の機械学習アーキテクチャで構成される包括的な測定方法を提案します。
私たちの結果は、誤差が 1 mm 未満の高精度の距離測定を達成する私たちの方法の可能性を概説しています。


A significant challenge in image-guided surgery is the accurate measurement task of relevant structures such as vessel segments, resection margins, or bowel lengths. While this task is an essential component of many surgeries, it involves substantial human effort and is prone to inaccuracies. In this paper, we develop a novel human-AI-based method for laparoscopic measurements utilizing stereo vision that has been guided by practicing surgeons. Based on a holistic qualitative requirements analysis, this work proposes a comprehensive measurement method, which comprises state-of-the-art machine learning architectures, such as RAFT-Stereo and YOLOv8. The developed method is assessed in various realistic experimental evaluation environments. Our results outline the potential of our method achieving high accuracies in distance measurements with errors below 1 mm. Furthermore, on-surface measurements demonstrate robustness when applied in challenging environments with textureless regions. Overall, by addressing the inherent challenges of image-guided surgery, we lay the foundation for a more robust and accurate solution for intra- and postoperative measurements, enabling more precise, safe, and efficient surgical procedures.


著者 Leopold Müller,Patrick Hemmer,Moritz Queisner,Igor Sauer,Simeon Allmendinger,Johannes Jakubik,Michael Vössing,Niklas Kühl
発行日 2023-11-16 10:19:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク