Natural Disaster Analysis using Satellite Imagery and Social-Media Data for Emergency Response Situations


災害管理は、経済的、環境的、社会的影響が大きいため、最も有望な研究分野の 1 つです。
この研究は、場所ごとの緊急要件を詳細に分析するために、災害管理に関連するさまざまな種類のデータ (事前および事後の衛星画像とツイッター データ) を分析することに焦点を当てています。
最初の段階では、U-Net アーキテクチャに基づいたマルチクラスの土地被覆セグメント化技術を使用した、災害前後の位置の衛星画像分析が行われます。
第 2 段階では、災害状況と救援活動の緊急要件に関する重要な情報を含む地域の地図を作成することに焦点を当てます。
生のツイートの大規模なコーパスからの状況情報の抽出には、Content Word based Tweet Summarization (COWTS) 技術が採用されています。


Disaster Management is one of the most promising research areas because of its significant economic, environmental and social repercussions. This research focuses on analyzing different types of data (pre and post satellite images and twitter data) related to disaster management for in-depth analysis of location-wise emergency requirements. This research has been divided into two stages, namely, satellite image analysis and twitter data analysis followed by integration using location. The first stage involves pre and post disaster satellite image analysis of the location using multi-class land cover segmentation technique based on U-Net architecture. The second stage focuses on mapping the region with essential information about the disaster situation and immediate requirements for relief operations. The severely affected regions are demarcated and twitter data is extracted using keywords respective to that location. The extraction of situational information from a large corpus of raw tweets adopts Content Word based Tweet Summarization (COWTS) technique. An integration of these modules using real-time location-based mapping and frequency analysis technique gathers multi-dimensional information in the advent of disaster occurrence such as the Kerala and Mississippi floods that were analyzed and validated as test cases. The novelty of this research lies in the application of segmented satellite images for disaster relief using highlighted land cover changes and integration of twitter data by mapping these region-specific filters for obtaining a complete overview of the disaster.


著者 Sukeerthi Mandyam,Shanmuga Priya MG,Shalini Suresh,Kavitha Srinivasan
発行日 2023-11-16 15:01:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク