From Pretext to Purpose: Batch-Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning


インスタンス レベルでの対照的な描写を通じて、教師なし特徴学習を促進します。
この論文では、自己教師あり対比学習のバッチ サイズと口実タスクに影響を与える 2 つの重要な要素を詳しく掘り下げ、データ処理の観点からバッチ フュージョンの適応手法を提案します。
提案された方法は、バッチ データの次元削減と再構築を介して、以前は分離されていた個別のデータが埋め込み層を介してバッチ内通信に参加できるようにします。
ImageNet-1k の古典的な対照学習フレームワークに基づいて、この方法の線形分類テストを実施しました。
ImageNet-100 では、元のパフォーマンスと比較して、トップ 1 は最大 1.25% の増加が見られます。


In recent years, self-supervised contrastive learning has emerged as a distinguished paradigm in the artificial intelligence landscape. It facilitates unsupervised feature learning through contrastive delineations at the instance level. However, crafting an effective self-supervised paradigm remains a pivotal challenge within this field. This paper delves into two crucial factors impacting self-supervised contrastive learning-bach size and pretext tasks, and from a data processing standpoint, proposes an adaptive technique of batch fusion. The proposed method, via dimensionality reduction and reconstruction of batch data, enables formerly isolated individual data to partake in intra-batch communication through the Embedding Layer. Moreover, it adaptively amplifies the self-supervised feature encoding capability as the training progresses. We conducted a linear classification test of this method based on the classic contrastive learning framework on ImageNet-1k. The empirical findings illustrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance under equitable comparisons. Benefiting from its ‘plug-and-play’ characteristics, we further explored other contrastive learning methods. On the ImageNet-100, compared to the original performance, the top1 has seen a maximum increase of 1.25%. We suggest that the proposed method may contribute to the advancement of data-driven self-supervised learning research, bringing a fresh perspective to this community.


著者 Jiansong Zhang,Peizhong Liu
発行日 2023-11-16 15:47:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク