Comparing Differentiable Logics for Learning Systems: A Research Preview


機械学習 (ML) システムの形式的検証に関する広範な研究では、データのみからの学習では基礎となる背景知識を取得できないことが多いことが示されています。
ML 対応の自律システムは、誤った予測を検出するだけでなく、自己修正し、継続的に改善および適応する能力も備えている必要があります。
本質的に制約を満たす ML モデルを作成するための有望なアプローチは、いわゆる微分可能ロジックを介して学習プロセスをガイドする論理制約として背景知識をエンコードすることです。


Extensive research on formal verification of machine learning (ML) systems indicates that learning from data alone often fails to capture underlying background knowledge. A variety of verifiers have been developed to ensure that a machine-learnt model satisfies correctness and safety properties, however, these verifiers typically assume a trained network with fixed weights. ML-enabled autonomous systems are required to not only detect incorrect predictions, but should also possess the ability to self-correct, continuously improving and adapting. A promising approach for creating ML models that inherently satisfy constraints is to encode background knowledge as logical constraints that guide the learning process via so-called differentiable logics. In this research preview, we compare and evaluate various logics from the literature in weakly-supervised contexts, presenting our findings and highlighting open problems for future work. Our experimental results are broadly consistent with results reported previously in literature; however, learning with differentiable logics introduces a new hyperparameter that is difficult to tune and has significant influence on the effectiveness of the logics.


著者 Thomas Flinkow,Barak A. Pearlmutter,Rosemary Monahan
発行日 2023-11-16 11:33:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.LO パーマリンク