USLR: an open-source tool for unbiased and smooth longitudinal registration of brain MR


これは、空間変換のリー代数パラメータ化 (非線形変形の剛体変換および定常速度場と互換性がある) に基づいて動作し、対数領域の特性を利用してベイズ推論を使用して問題を解決します。
USRL は、次のような厳格で非線形の位置合わせを推定します。(i) すべての時点を偏りのない被験者固有の空間に持ち込む。
(i) イメージング時系列にわたる滑らかな軌跡を計算します。
コードは で公開されています。


We present USLR, a computational framework for longitudinal registration of brain MRI scans to estimate nonlinear image trajectories that are smooth across time, unbiased to any timepoint, and robust to imaging artefacts. It operates on the Lie algebra parameterisation of spatial transforms (which is compatible with rigid transforms and stationary velocity fields for nonlinear deformation) and takes advantage of log-domain properties to solve the problem using Bayesian inference. USRL estimates rigid and nonlinear registrations that: (i) bring all timepoints to an unbiased subject-specific space; and (i) compute a smooth trajectory across the imaging time-series. We capitalise on learning-based registration algorithms and closed-form expressions for fast inference. A use-case Alzheimer’s disease study is used to showcase the benefits of the pipeline in multiple fronts, such as time-consistent image segmentation to reduce intra-subject variability, subject-specific prediction or population analysis using tensor-based morphometry. We demonstrate that such approach improves upon cross-sectional methods in identifying group differences, which can be helpful in detecting more subtle atrophy levels or in reducing sample sizes in clinical trials. The code is publicly available in


著者 Adrià Casamitjana,Roser Sala-Llonch,Karim Lekadir,Juan Eugenio Iglesias
発行日 2023-11-14 18:34:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク