Diffusion Co-Policy for Synergistic Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks


私たちの重要な洞察は、人間とロボットの共同作業に使用される効果的で学習されたロボット ポリシーは、高度なマルチモダリティを表現し、時間的に一貫した方法で動作を予測し、人間の動作の広範囲の頻度を認識できなければならないということです。
この共同ポリシーは、人間と人間の共同デモンストレーションのデータセットでトレーニングされた Transformer ベースの拡散モデルを介して、人間とロボットの共同動作シーケンスを予測し、後退地平線制御フレームワークでロボットの動作を直接実行します。


Modeling multimodal human behavior has been a key barrier to increasing the level of interaction between human and robot, particularly for collaborative tasks. Our key insight is that an effective, learned robot policy used for human-robot collaborative tasks must be able to express a high degree of multimodality, predict actions in a temporally consistent manner, and recognize a wide range of frequencies of human actions in order to seamlessly integrate with a human in the control loop. We present Diffusion Co-policy, a method for planning sequences of actions that synergize well with humans during test time. The co-policy predicts joint human-robot action sequences via a Transformer-based diffusion model, which is trained on a dataset of collaborative human-human demonstrations, and directly executes the robot actions in a receding horizon control framework. We demonstrate in both simulation and real environments that the method outperforms other state-of-art learning methods on the task of human-robot table-carrying with a human in the loop. Moreover, we qualitatively highlight compelling robot behaviors that demonstrate evidence of true human-robot collaboration, including mutual adaptation, shared task understanding, leadership switching, and low levels of wasteful interaction forces arising from dissent.


著者 Eley Ng,Ziang Liu,Monroe Kennedy III
発行日 2023-11-13 01:22:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク