したがって、MARS を現実世界に実装する場合は、衝突回避を考慮する必要があります。
CBF は衝突回避問題の解決に効果的です。
ただし、多くのロボットが 1 つの場所に集まる極端な状況では、ロボット間の安全な距離を確保する CBF 制約に違反する可能性があります。
我々は、この問題が特定の状況で発生する可能性があることを理論的に実証し、CBF の不等式制約に非対称設計を導入します。
複数のロボットが 1 つの場所に集まる 2 次元状況において、提案手法の有効性を実証します。
In this paper, we propose a method to avoid ‘no-solution’ situations of the control barrier function (CBF) for distributed collision avoidance in a multiagent autonomous robotic system (MARS). MARS, which is composed of distributed autonomous mobile robots, is expected to effectively perform cooperative tasks such as searching in a certain area. Therefore, collision avoidance must be considered when implementing MARS in the real world. The CBF is effective for solving collision-avoidance problems. However, in extreme conditions where many robots congregate at one location, the CBF constraints that ensure a safe distance between robots may be violated. We theoretically demonstrate that this problem can occur in certain situations, and introduce an asymmetric design for the inequality constraints of CBF. We asymmetrically decentralized inequality constraints with weight functions using the absolute speed of the robot so that other robots can take over the constraints of the robot in severe condition. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in a two-dimensional situation wherein multiple robots congregate at one location. We implement the proposed method on real robots and the confirmed the effectiveness of this theory.
著者 | Hiroki Etchu,Yuki Origane,Daisuke Kurabayashi |
発行日 | 2023-11-12 16:47:27+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google