Wordification: A New Way of Teaching English Spelling Patterns


非行少年制度の対象者の 85% は読み書きが十分にできず、薬物乱用の問題を抱えている人の半数以上が読み書きに合併症を抱えており、高校を卒業していない人の 3 分の 2 が適切な読み書き能力を欠いていると推定されています。
さらに、4 年生までに学年レベルに見合う読解力を持たない幼児は、約 80% がまったく追いつけない可能性があります。
世界では、識字能力の問題により毎年推定 1 兆 1,900 億ドルが失われています。
この論文では、私たちのチームは、米国の小学生に英語のスペルと単語の認識を教える新しい方法、つまり Wordification を提案します。
Wordification は、これまでコンピューターベースの教育アプリケーションでは十分に活用されていなかった方法で、単語の正書法および音韻特性に適用される言語学の原則を使用して、英語の読み書き能力を教えるように設計された Web アプリケーションです。


Literacy, or the ability to read and write, is a crucial indicator of success in life and greater society. It is estimated that 85% of people in juvenile delinquent systems cannot adequately read or write, that more than half of those with substance abuse issues have complications in reading or writing and that two-thirds of those who do not complete high school lack proper literacy skills. Furthermore, young children who do not possess reading skills matching grade level by the fourth grade are approximately 80% likely to not catch up at all. Many may believe that in a developed country such as the United States, literacy fails to be an issue; however, this is a dangerous misunderstanding. Globally an estimated 1.19 trillion dollars are lost every year due to issues in literacy; in the USA, the loss is an estimated 300 billion. To put it in more shocking terms, one in five American adults still fail to comprehend basic sentences. Making matters worse, the only tools available now to correct a lack of reading and writing ability are found in expensive tutoring or other programs that oftentimes fail to be able to reach the required audience. In this paper, our team puts forward a new way of teaching English spelling and word recognitions to grade school students in the United States: Wordification. Wordification is a web application designed to teach English literacy using principles of linguistics applied to the orthographic and phonological properties of words in a manner not fully utilized previously in any computer-based teaching application.


著者 Lexington Whalen,Nathan Bickel,Shash Comandur,Dalton Craven,Stanley Dubinsky,Homayoun Valafar
発行日 2023-11-10 10:49:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.OH, K.3 パーマリンク