Visual Chain of Thought: Bridging Logical Gaps with Multimodal Infillings


その結果、視覚言語の基礎を備えた思考の連鎖を活用して、逐次データ内の論理ギャップを再帰的に埋める新しい方法である VCoT を紹介します。
私たちは VCoT をビジュアル ストーリーテリングと WikiHow 要約データセットに適用し、人間による評価を通じて、VCoT が思考チェーンのベースラインを上回る斬新で一貫した合成データ拡張を提供し、それを使用して下流のパフォーマンスを向上できることを実証します。


Recent advances in large language models elicit reasoning in a chain of thought that allows models to decompose problems in a human-like fashion. Though this paradigm improves multi-step reasoning ability in language models, it is limited by being unimodal and applied mainly to question-answering tasks. We claim that incorporating visual augmentation into reasoning is essential, especially for complex, imaginative tasks. Consequently, we introduce VCoT, a novel method that leverages chain of thought prompting with vision-language grounding to recursively bridge the logical gaps within sequential data. Our method uses visual guidance to generate synthetic multimodal infillings that add consistent and novel information to reduce the logical gaps for downstream tasks that can benefit from temporal reasoning, as well as provide interpretability into models’ multi-step reasoning. We apply VCoT to the Visual Storytelling and WikiHow summarization datasets and demonstrate through human evaluation that VCoT offers novel and consistent synthetic data augmentation beating chain of thought baselines, which can be used to enhance downstream performance.


著者 Daniel Rose,Vaishnavi Himakunthala,Andy Ouyang,Ryan He,Alex Mei,Yujie Lu,Michael Saxon,Chinmay Sonar,Diba Mirza,William Yang Wang
発行日 2023-11-10 06:19:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV パーマリンク