Time Scale Network: A Shallow Neural Network For Time Series Data


離散ウェーブレット変換で使用される変換シーケンスと拡張シーケンスを、従来の畳み込みニューラル ネットワークと逆伝播と組み合わせた、最小限で計算効率の高いタイム スケール ネットワークを提案します。
我々は、心房機能不全検出における利点として、優れたパラメータごとの精度と操作ごとの精度、高速なトレーニングと推論速度、ECG 信号の心房機能不全検出における学習パターンの視覚化と解釈などの利点を実証します。
また、EEG 信号を使用した発作予測においても優れたパフォーマンスを示しています。
当社のネットワークは、わずか 1,133 個のアクティブ パラメータを使用して 90.9% の精度を達成するために戦略的に選択できるいくつかのタイム スケールを分離し、脈動波形形状に一貫して収束しました。


Time series data is often composed of information at multiple time scales, particularly in biomedical data. While numerous deep learning strategies exist to capture this information, many make networks larger, require more data, are more demanding to compute, and are difficult to interpret. This limits their usefulness in real-world applications facing even modest computational or data constraints and can further complicate their translation into practice. We present a minimal, computationally efficient Time Scale Network combining the translation and dilation sequence used in discrete wavelet transforms with traditional convolutional neural networks and back-propagation. The network simultaneously learns features at many time scales for sequence classification with significantly reduced parameters and operations. We demonstrate advantages in Atrial Dysfunction detection including: superior accuracy-per-parameter and accuracy-per-operation, fast training and inference speeds, and visualization and interpretation of learned patterns in atrial dysfunction detection on ECG signals. We also demonstrate impressive performance in seizure prediction using EEG signals. Our network isolated a few time scales that could be strategically selected to achieve 90.9% accuracy using only 1,133 active parameters and consistently converged on pulsatile waveform shapes. This method does not rest on any constraints or assumptions regarding signal content and could be leveraged in any area of time series analysis dealing with signals containing features at many time scales.


著者 Trevor Meyer,Camden Shultz,Najim Dehak,Laureano Moro-Velazquez,Pedro Irazoqui
発行日 2023-11-10 16:39:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク