Learning material synthesis-structure-property relationship by data fusion: Bayesian Co-regionalization N-Dimensional Piecewise Function Learning


しかし、高度な材料発見は 2 つの基本的な課題によって混乱しています。1 つは高次元で複雑な材料探索空間の課題、もう 1 つは知識の結合、つまり機器や研究室間のデータ融合です。
ただし、合成構造と特性の関係を定量化するには、2 番目の課題を克服する必要があります。
合成構造プロパティ関係コア Gionalized lEarner (SAGE) アルゴリズムを紹介します。
マルチモーダルな共同領域化を使用してデータ ソース間の知識をマージし、合成-構造-プロパティの関係を学習する完全なベイジアン アルゴリズム。


Advanced materials are needed to further next-generation technologies such as quantum computing, carbon capture, and low-cost medical imaging. However, advanced materials discovery is confounded by two fundamental challenges: the challenge of a high-dimensional, complex materials search space and the challenge of combining knowledge, i.e., data fusion across instruments and labs. To overcome the first challenge, researchers employ knowledge of the underlying material synthesis-structure-property relationship, as a material’s structure is often predictive of its functional property and vice versa. For example, optimal materials often occur along composition-phase boundaries or within specific phase regions. Additionally, knowledge of the synthesis-structure-property relationship is fundamental to understanding underlying physical mechanisms. However, quantifying the synthesis-structure-property relationship requires overcoming the second challenge. Researchers must merge knowledge gathered across instruments, measurement modalities, and even laboratories. We present the Synthesis-structure-property relAtionship coreGionalized lEarner (SAGE) algorithm. A fully Bayesian algorithm that uses multimodal coregionalization to merge knowledge across data sources to learn synthesis-structure-property relationships.


著者 A. Gilad Kusne,Austin McDannald,Brian DeCost
発行日 2023-11-10 18:34:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.mtrl-sci, cs.LG パーマリンク