Incorporating sufficient physical information into artificial neural networks: a guaranteed improvement via physics-based Rao-Blackwellization


Rao-Blackwellization の概念は、物理情報による人工ニューラル ネットワークの予測を改善するために採用されています。
十分な物理情報 (不変量、最小化問題のパラメータ、次元解析、等方性、微分可能性など) が使用されます。
人工ニューラル ネットワークの改善の機会は、トレーニング データ セット、ネットワークの構造、出力フィルターの観点から検討されます。


The concept of Rao-Blackwellization is employed to improve predictions of artificial neural networks by physical information. The error norm and the proof of improvement are transferred from the original statistical concept to a deterministic one, using sufficient information on physics-based conditions. The proposed strategy is applied to material modeling and illustrated by examples of the identification of a yield function, elasto-plastic steel simulations, the identification of driving forces for quasi-brittle damage and rubber experiments. Sufficient physical information is employed, e.g., in the form of invariants, parameters of a minimization problem, dimensional analysis, isotropy and differentiability. It is proven how intuitive accretion of information can yield improvement if it is physically sufficient, but also how insufficient or superfluous information can cause impairment. Opportunities for the improvement of artificial neural networks are explored in terms of the training data set, the networks’ structure and output filters. Even crude initial predictions are remarkably improved by reducing noise, overfitting and data requirements.


著者 Gian-Luca Geuken,Jörn Mosler,Patrick Kurzeja
発行日 2023-11-10 16:05:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 62B05, 68T07, 74-10 (Primary), 74B20, 74R05, cs.AI, cs.CE, I.2.1, math.ST, stat.TH パーマリンク