A New Wave in Robotics: Survey on Recent mmWave Radar Applications in Robotics


私たちは、独自の機能に焦点を当ててロボット工学におけるミリ波 (mmWave) レーダー アプリケーションの現状を調査し、最先端技術に基づいて将来の機会について議論します。
76 ~ 81 GHz の範囲で動作する周波数変調連続波 (FMCW) ミリ波レーダーは、近視覚スペクトルで動作するライダー、カメラ、その他のセンサーに代わる魅力的な代替品です。


We survey the current state of millimeterwave (mmWave) radar applications in robotics with a focus on unique capabilities, and discuss future opportunities based on the state of the art. Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) mmWave radars operating in the 76–81GHz range are an appealing alternative to lidars, cameras and other sensors operating in the near visual spectrum. Radar has been made more widely available in new packaging classes, more convenient for robotics and its longer wavelengths have the ability to bypass visual clutter such as fog, dust, and smoke. We begin by covering radar principles as they relate to robotics. We then review the relevant new research across a broad spectrum of robotics applications beginning with motion estimation, localization, and mapping. We then cover object detection and classification, and then close with an analysis of current datasets and calibration techniques that provide entry points into radar research.


著者 Kyle Harlow,Hyesu Jang,Timothy D. Barfoot,Ayoung Kim,Christoffer Heckman
発行日 2023-11-09 22:07:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, I.2.9 パーマリンク