Sorting Out Quantum Monte Carlo


代わりに、ソートから派生した新しい非対称化層 $\textit{sortlet}$ を導入します。これは、$O(N^ とは対照的に、粒子の数に関して $O(N \log N)$ としてスケールされます。
3) 行列式の $。


Molecular modeling at the quantum level requires choosing a parameterization of the wavefunction that both respects the required particle symmetries, and is scalable to systems of many particles. For the simulation of fermions, valid parameterizations must be antisymmetric with respect to the exchange of particles. Typically, antisymmetry is enforced by leveraging the anti-symmetry of determinants with respect to the exchange of matrix rows, but this involves computing a full determinant each time the wavefunction is evaluated. Instead, we introduce a new antisymmetrization layer derived from sorting, the $\textit{sortlet}$, which scales as $O(N \log N)$ with regards to the number of particles — in contrast to $O(N^3)$ for the determinant. We show numerically that applying this anti-symmeterization layer on top of an attention based neural-network backbone yields a flexible wavefunction parameterization capable of reaching chemical accuracy when approximating the ground state of first-row atoms and small molecules.


著者 Jack Richter-Powell,Luca Thiede,Alán Asparu-Guzik,David Duvenaud
発行日 2023-11-09 18:56:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, physics.chem-ph, physics.comp-ph パーマリンク