Diffusion-Generative Multi-Fidelity Learning for Physical Simulation


生成モデルにおける最近の進歩に触発されて、私たちは別の視点を取り、ランダム ノイズから生成されたソリューションの出力を考慮します。
私たちは、確率微分方程式 (SDE) に基づいた拡散生成マルチフィデリティ (DGMF) 学習手法を開発します。この学習手法では、生成が連続的なノイズ除去プロセスとなります。
追加の入力 (時間変数または空間変数) を条件付けすることで、モデルは多次元の解配列を効率的に学習して予測できます。


Multi-fidelity surrogate learning is important for physical simulation related applications in that it avoids running numerical solvers from scratch, which is known to be costly, and it uses multi-fidelity examples for training and greatly reduces the cost of data collection. Despite the variety of existing methods, they all build a model to map the input parameters outright to the solution output. Inspired by the recent breakthrough in generative models, we take an alternative view and consider the solution output as generated from random noises. We develop a diffusion-generative multi-fidelity (DGMF) learning method based on stochastic differential equations (SDE), where the generation is a continuous denoising process. We propose a conditional score model to control the solution generation by the input parameters and the fidelity. By conditioning on additional inputs (temporal or spacial variables), our model can efficiently learn and predict multi-dimensional solution arrays. Our method naturally unifies discrete and continuous fidelity modeling. The advantage of our method in several typical applications shows a promising new direction for multi-fidelity learning.


著者 Zheng Wang,Shibo Li,Shikai Fang,Shandian Zhe
発行日 2023-11-09 18:59:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク