Model-Free Source Seeking by a Novel Single-Integrator with Attenuating Oscillations and Better Convergence: Robotic Experiments


古典的な極値探索制御 (ESC) システムは、移動ロボットなどのシステムをスカラー物理分布のソースに誘導するモデルフリーのリアルタイム手法の手段として、実験も含めて 10 年以上使用されてきました。
これは文献では (情報源探索) 問題と呼ばれています。
同様に、シングルインテグレータなど構造がより単純なコントロールアフィン ESC システムもソースシークに使用されています。
古典的な ESC 手法とコントロール アフィン ESC 手法はどちらも、システムが探している発生源に近づいた後でも持続的な発振に悩まされます。


The classic extremum seeking control (ESC) system has been used, including in experiments, for over a decade as a mean for model-free, real-time method to steer systems, such as mobile robots, to the source of a scalar physical distribution (signal) using only local measurements of said signal. This is referred to in literature as the (source seeking) problem. Similarly, control-affine ESC systems, which are simpler in structure such as single-integrator, have been used for source seeking as well; however, they were rarely experimented on. Both classic ESC and control-affine ESC methods suffer from persistent oscillations even after the system approaches the source they are seeking. In this paper, we implement, and verify by novel robotic experiments, recent results on control-affine ESC, which enable source seeking with attenuating oscillations. We propose a simple, amended single-integrator design which we use in our experiments. The experiments were conducted for a light source seeking problem. Results imply that the proposed design has significant potential as it also demonstrated much better convergence. We hope this paper encourages expansion of the proposed design in other fields, problems and experiments.


著者 Shivam Bajpai,Ahmed A. Elgohary,Sameh A. Eisa
発行日 2023-11-07 20:30:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク