Influencing Incidental Human-Robot Encounters: Expressive movement improves pedestrians’ impressions of a quadruped service robot


1 台の移動サービス ロボットが歩行者と何百回も遭遇する可能性がありますが、こうした人間とロボットの偶発的な遭遇に影響を与える要因に関する公開データはほとんどありません。
この効果は、ロボットの認識に関するアンケートのすべての質問で見られました (Godspeed)。


A single mobile service robot may generate hundreds of encounters with pedestrians, yet there is little published data on the factors influencing these incidental human-robot encounters. We report the results of a between-subjects experiment (n=222) testing the impact of robot body language, defined as non-functional modifications to robot movement, upon incidental pedestrian encounters with a quadruped service robot in a real-world setting. We find that canine-inspired body language had a positive influence on participants’ perceptions of the robot compared to the robot’s stock movement. This effect was visible across all questions of a questionnaire on the perceptions of robots (Godspeed). We argue that body language is a promising and practical design space for improving pedestrian encounters with service robots.


著者 Elliott Hauser,Yao-Cheng Chan,Ruchi Bhalani,Alekhya Kuchimanchi,Hanaa Siddiqui,Justin Hart
発行日 2023-11-08 04:35:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク