Causal Scoring: A Framework for Effect Estimation, Effect Ordering, and Effect Classification


これらのスコアの 3 つの貴重な因果関係の解釈、つまり効果推定 (EE)、効果順序付け (EO)、および効果分類 (EC) を紹介します。
EE 解釈では、因果スコアは効果そのものを表します。
EO の解釈は、スコアが効果の大きさの代用として機能し、因果関係に基づいて個人を分類できることを意味します。
EC の解釈により、事前定義されたしきい値を使用して、個人を影響の高いカテゴリと低いカテゴリに分類できます。
我々は、2 つの重要な結果を通じて、これらの代替因果解釈 (EO と EC) の価値を実証します。
広告、医療、教育などのさまざまな分野の例を通じて、因果スコアリング フレームワークの実用性を紹介し、さまざまな状況で統計的推定値の柔軟な因果解釈に関する推論がどのように容易になるかを示します。


This paper introduces causal scoring as a novel approach to frame causal estimation in the context of decision making. Causal scoring entails the estimation of scores that support decision making by providing insights into causal effects. We present three valuable causal interpretations of these scores: effect estimation (EE), effect ordering (EO), and effect classification (EC). In the EE interpretation, the causal score represents the effect itself. The EO interpretation implies that the score can serve as a proxy for the magnitude of the effect, enabling the sorting of individuals based on their causal effects. The EC interpretation enables the classification of individuals into high- and low-effect categories using a predefined threshold. We demonstrate the value of these alternative causal interpretations (EO and EC) through two key results. First, we show that aligning the statistical modeling with the desired causal interpretation improves the accuracy of causal estimation. Second, we establish that more flexible causal interpretations are plausible in a wider range of data-generating processes and propose conditions to assess their validity. We showcase the practical utility of the causal scoring framework through examples in diverse fields such as advertising, healthcare, and education, illustrating how it facilitates reasoning about flexible causal interpretations of statistical estimates in various contexts. The examples encompass confounded estimates, effect estimates on surrogate outcomes, and even predictions about non-causal quantities as potential causal scores.


著者 Carlos Fernández-Loría,Jorge Loría
発行日 2023-11-08 15:42:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク