Personality Style Recognition via Machine Learning: Identifying Anaclitic and Introjective Personality Styles from Patients’ Speech



この仮説を検証するために、分類に自然言語処理 (NLP) と標準の機械学習ツールを採用します。
次に、(a) 標準化されたアンケート回答に基づいて自動分類器を開発します。
(b) 基本的なテキストの特徴、つまり単語および単語シーケンスの TF-IDF スコア。
(c) LIWC (言語調査と単語カウント) を使用したより高度なテキスト機能と、BERT (トランスフォーマーからの双方向エンコーダー表現) を使用したコンテキスト認識機能。
(d) オーディオ機能。
言語由来の特徴 (つまり、LIWC に基づく) を使用した自動分類は、アンケートベースの分類モデルよりも大幅に優れていることがわかりました。
さらに、LIWC とアンケート機能を組み合わせることで、最高のパフォーマンスが実現されます。


In disentangling the heterogeneity observed in psychopathology, personality of the patients is considered crucial. While it has been demonstrated that personality traits are reflected in the language used by a patient, we hypothesize that this enables automatic inference of the personality type directly from speech utterances, potentially more accurately than through a traditional questionnaire-based approach explicitly designed for personality classification. To validate this hypothesis, we adopt natural language processing (NLP) and standard machine learning tools for classification. We test this on a dataset of recorded clinical diagnostic interviews (CDI) on a sample of 79 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) — a condition for which differentiated treatment based on personality styles has been advocated — and classified into anaclitic and introjective personality styles. We start by analyzing the interviews to see which linguistic features are associated with each style, in order to gain a better understanding of the styles. Then, we develop automatic classifiers based on (a) standardized questionnaire responses; (b) basic text features, i.e., TF-IDF scores of words and word sequences; (c) more advanced text features, using LIWC (linguistic inquiry and word count) and context-aware features using BERT (bidirectional encoder representations from transformers); (d) audio features. We find that automated classification with language-derived features (i.e., based on LIWC) significantly outperforms questionnaire-based classification models. Furthermore, the best performance is achieved by combining LIWC with the questionnaire features. This suggests that more work should be put into developing linguistically based automated techniques for characterizing personality, however questionnaires still to some extent complement such methods.


著者 Semere Kiros Bitew,Vincent Schelstraete,Klim Zaporojets,Kimberly Van Nieuwenhove,Reitske Meganck,Chris Develder
発行日 2023-11-07 15:56:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク