Interaction Measures, Partition Lattices and Kernel Tests for High-Order Interactions


2 つ以上の変数のグループ間の重要な依存関係は、このようなシステムの分析とモデリングにおいて重要な役割を果たす可能性がありますが、データからそのような高次の相互作用を抽出することは依然として困難です。
ここでは、同時確率分布の可能な因数分解をさらに含む $d$ オーダー ($d \geq 2$) 交互作用尺度の階層を導入し、統計的有意性を系統的に確立するためのノンパラメトリックなカーネルベースのテストを定義します。
$d$-order 相互作用の。


Models that rely solely on pairwise relationships often fail to capture the complete statistical structure of the complex multivariate data found in diverse domains, such as socio-economic, ecological, or biomedical systems. Non-trivial dependencies between groups of more than two variables can play a significant role in the analysis and modelling of such systems, yet extracting such high-order interactions from data remains challenging. Here, we introduce a hierarchy of $d$-order ($d \geq 2$) interaction measures, increasingly inclusive of possible factorisations of the joint probability distribution, and define non-parametric, kernel-based tests to establish systematically the statistical significance of $d$-order interactions. We also establish mathematical links with lattice theory, which elucidate the derivation of the interaction measures and their composite permutation tests; clarify the connection of simplicial complexes with kernel matrix centring; and provide a means to enhance computational efficiency. We illustrate our results numerically with validations on synthetic data, and through an application to neuroimaging data.


著者 Zhaolu Liu,Robert L. Peach,Pedro A. M. Mediano,Mauricio Barahona
発行日 2023-11-07 17:26:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク