Generalizing to new geometries with Geometry-Aware Autoregressive Models (GAAMs) for fast calorimeter simulation


サブ検出器の 1 つである熱量計は、セルの粒度が高く相互作用が複雑であるため、計算時間の大半を占めます。
私たちは、$\textit{geometry-aware}$ 自己回帰モデルを開発します。このモデルは、熱量計の応答が幾何形状によってどのように変化するかを学習し、追加のトレーニングなしで、目に見えない幾何形状に対するシミュレートされた応答を生成できます。
ジオメトリ認識モデルは、生成された分布と、シミュレーションされた応答を要約する主要な量の真の分布との間のワッサーシュタイン距離など、いくつかの指標において、ベースライン非認識モデルよりも $50\%$ 以上優れています。


Generation of simulated detector response to collision products is crucial to data analysis in particle physics, but computationally very expensive. One subdetector, the calorimeter, dominates the computational time due to the high granularity of its cells and complexity of the interactions. Generative models can provide more rapid sample production, but currently require significant effort to optimize performance for specific detector geometries, often requiring many models to describe the varying cell sizes and arrangements, without the ability to generalize to other geometries. We develop a $\textit{geometry-aware}$ autoregressive model, which learns how the calorimeter response varies with geometry, and is capable of generating simulated responses to unseen geometries without additional training. The geometry-aware model outperforms a baseline unaware model by over $50\%$ in several metrics such as the Wasserstein distance between the generated and the true distributions of key quantities which summarize the simulated response. A single geometry-aware model could replace the hundreds of generative models currently designed for calorimeter simulation by physicists analyzing data collected at the Large Hadron Collider. This proof-of-concept study motivates the design of a foundational model that will be a crucial tool for the study of future detectors, dramatically reducing the large upfront investment usually needed to develop generative calorimeter models.


著者 Junze Liu,Aishik Ghosh,Dylan Smith,Pierre Baldi,Daniel Whiteson
発行日 2023-11-07 16:37:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, hep-ex, hep-ph,, physics.ins-det パーマリンク