Evolution of Collective Decision-Making Mechanisms for Collective Perception


私たちは、ロボットの正しい意見に報酬を与えるタスク固有の適応度関数、予測精度に対するタスクに依存しない報酬、および前の 2 つを組み合わせたハイブリッド適応度関数を使用して、集合的意思決定メカニズムを進化させます。
私たちのシミュレーションでは、集合的知覚シナリオを使用します。つまり、ロボットは 2 つの環境特徴のうちどちらがより頻繁であるかを集合的に判断する必要があります。
我々は、進化が 3 つのシナリオすべてで適応度の最適化に成功しているが、集団的な意思決定行動の出現につながるのはタスク固有の適応度関数とハイブリッド適応度関数だけであることを示します。


Autonomous robot swarms must be able to make fast and accurate collective decisions, but speed and accuracy are known to be conflicting goals. While collective decision-making is widely studied in swarm robotics research, only few works on using methods of evolutionary computation to generate collective decision-making mechanisms exist. These works use task-specific fitness functions rewarding the accomplishment of the respective collective decision-making task. But task-independent rewards, such as for prediction error minimization, may promote the emergence of diverse and innovative solutions. We evolve collective decision-making mechanisms using a task-specific fitness function rewarding correct robot opinions, a task-independent reward for prediction accuracy, and a hybrid fitness function combining the two previous. In our simulations, we use the collective perception scenario, that is, robots must collectively determine which of two environmental features is more frequent. We show that evolution successfully optimizes fitness in all three scenarios, but that only the task-specific fitness function and the hybrid fitness function lead to the emergence of collective decision-making behaviors. In benchmark experiments, we show the competitiveness of the evolved decision-making mechanisms to the voter model and the majority rule and analyze the scalability of the decision-making mechanisms with problem difficulty.


著者 Tanja Katharina Kaiser,Tristan Potten,Heiko Hamann
発行日 2023-11-06 09:56:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.MA, cs.NE, cs.RO パーマリンク