Multi-view Relation Learning for Cross-domain Few-shot Hyperspectral Image Classification


クロスドメインの少数ショット ハイパースペクトル画像分類は、ソース ドメインの多数のラベル付きサンプルから事前知識を学習し、その知識をターゲット ドメイン内の少数のラベル付きサンプルのみを含むタスクに転送することに焦点を当てています。
メトリックベースの方法に従って、現在の多くの方法は、最初にクエリおよびサポート サンプルの特徴を抽出し、次にサポート サンプルまたはプロトタイプまでの距離に従ってクエリ サンプルのクラスを直接予測します。


Cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification focuses on learning prior knowledge from a large number of labeled samples from source domain and then transferring the knowledge to the tasks which contain only few labeled samples in target domains. Following the metric-based manner, many current methods first extract the features of the query and support samples, and then directly predict the classes of query samples according to their distance to the support samples or prototypes. The relations between samples have not been fully explored and utilized. Different from current works, this paper proposes to learn sample relations from different views and take them into the model learning process, to improve the cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification. Building on current DCFSL method which adopts a domain discriminator to deal with domain-level distribution difference, the proposed method applys contrastive learning to learn the class-level sample relations to obtain more discriminable sample features. In addition, it adopts a transformer based cross-attention learning module to learn the set-level sample relations and acquire the attentions from query samples to support samples. Our experimental results have demonstrated the contribution of the multi-view relation learning mechanism for few-shot hyperspectral image classification when compared with the state of the art methods.


著者 Chun Liu,Longwei Yang,Zheng Li,Wei Yang,Zhigang Han,Jianzhong Guo,Junyong Yu
発行日 2023-11-02 13:06:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク