Log-Likelihood Score Level Fusion for Improved Cross-Sensor Smartphone Periocular Recognition


線形ロジスティック回帰に基づく確率的融合フレームワークを使用します。このフレームワークでは、融合スコアは対数尤度比になる傾向があり、融合によりクロスセンサー EER が最大 40% 削減されます。


The proliferation of cameras and personal devices results in a wide variability of imaging conditions, producing large intra-class variations and a significant performance drop when images from heterogeneous environments are compared. However, many applications require to deal with data from different sources regularly, thus needing to overcome these interoperability problems. Here, we employ fusion of several comparators to improve periocular performance when images from different smartphones are compared. We use a probabilistic fusion framework based on linear logistic regression, in which fused scores tend to be log-likelihood ratios, obtaining a reduction in cross-sensor EER of up to 40% due to the fusion. Our framework also provides an elegant and simple solution to handle signals from different devices, since same-sensor and cross-sensor score distributions are aligned and mapped to a common probabilistic domain. This allows the use of Bayes thresholds for optimal decision-making, eliminating the need of sensor-specific thresholds, which is essential in operational conditions because the threshold setting critically determines the accuracy of the authentication process in many applications.


著者 Fernando Alonso-Fernandez,Kiran B. Raja,Christoph Busch,Josef Bigun
発行日 2023-11-02 13:43:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク