High-Quality Animatable Dynamic Garment Reconstruction from Monocular Videos


単眼ビデオから 3D 衣服を推定する際の曖昧さを軽減するために、複数のもっともらしい変形の空間表現を学習する複数仮説変形モジュールを設計します。


Much progress has been made in reconstructing garments from an image or a video. However, none of existing works meet the expectations of digitizing high-quality animatable dynamic garments that can be adjusted to various unseen poses. In this paper, we propose the first method to recover high-quality animatable dynamic garments from monocular videos without depending on scanned data. To generate reasonable deformations for various unseen poses, we propose a learnable garment deformation network that formulates the garment reconstruction task as a pose-driven deformation problem. To alleviate the ambiguity estimating 3D garments from monocular videos, we design a multi-hypothesis deformation module that learns spatial representations of multiple plausible deformations. Experimental results on several public datasets demonstrate that our method can reconstruct high-quality dynamic garments with coherent surface details, which can be easily animated under unseen poses. The code will be provided for research purposes.


著者 Xiongzheng Li,Jinsong Zhang,Yu-Kun Lai,Jingyu Yang,Kun Li
発行日 2023-11-02 13:16:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク