Optical Proximity Sensing for Pose Estimation During In-Hand Manipulation


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我々は、統計的有意性を持って、手の操作中の粒子フィルタリングによる近接センサー ベースの姿勢推定が、次のことを実証します。 a) 触覚センサー ベースのベースラインよりも平均姿勢誤差が 50% 低いことを示します。
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During in-hand manipulation, robots must be able to continuously estimate the pose of the object in order to generate appropriate control actions. The performance of algorithms for pose estimation hinges on the robot’s sensors being able to detect discriminative geometric object features, but previous sensing modalities are unable to make such measurements robustly. The robot’s fingers can occlude the view of environment- or robot-mounted image sensors, and tactile sensors can only measure at the local areas of contact. Motivated by fingertip-embedded proximity sensors’ robustness to occlusion and ability to measure beyond the local areas of contact, we present the first evaluation of proximity sensor based pose estimation for in-hand manipulation. We develop a novel two-fingered hand with fingertip-embedded optical time-of-flight proximity sensors as a testbed for pose estimation during planar in-hand manipulation. Here, the in-hand manipulation task consists of the robot moving a cylindrical object from one end of its workspace to the other. We demonstrate, with statistical significance, that proximity-sensor based pose estimation via particle filtering during in-hand manipulation: a) exhibits 50% lower average pose error than a tactile-sensor based baseline; b) empowers a model predictive controller to achieve 30% lower final positioning error compared to when using tactile-sensor based pose estimates.


著者 Patrick Lancaster,Pratik Gyawali,Christoforos Mavrogiannis,Siddhartha S. Srinivasa,Joshua R. Smith
発行日 2023-10-30 16:08:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク