Three Dogmas, a Puzzle and its Solution


より具体的には: 自然言語内で単語はオブジェクトを参照し、「ToBe」構造は同一性ステートメントを表し、意味のある文を形成するには不定の記述は存在量指定子に置き換えられる必要があり、記号は解釈に依存しない意味を持つことができないという論理学者の考えはすべて偽りです。
ここで紹介した改ざんには 2 つの目的があります。
第 2 に、重要な計算問題である充足可能性 (SAT) にアプローチする方法を示します。
同様の意味粒子が 3CNF 式にも存在することが示されており、これを 3SAT ソルバーの機構内で適切に処理すると、式に構造条件を課すことができ、これだけで非指数関数的なサイズの自由二分決定図の効率的な生成を保証するのに十分です。
FBDD のサイズに関する既知の指数関数的下限がなぜ我々の結果と矛盾しないのかを示し、乗算回路に関して得られた、我々の主張を裏付ける実際的な証拠を明らかにします。


Modern Logics, as formulated notably by Frege, Russell and Tarski involved basic assumptions about Natural Languages in general and Indo-European Languages in particular, which are contested by Linguists. Based upon those assumptions, formal Languages were designed to overcome what Logicians claimed to be ‘defects’ of Natural Language. In this paper we show that those assumptions contradict basic principles of Arabic. More specifically: The Logicians ideas, that within Natural Language words refer to objects, ‘ToBe’-constructions represent identity statements, Indefinite Descriptions must be replaced by existential quantifiers to form meaningful Sentences and Symbols can have no interpretation-independent meanings, are all falsified using undisputed principles of Arabic. The here presented falsification serves two purposes. First, it is used as a factual basis for the rejection of approaches adopting Semantic axioms of Mathematical Logics as Models for meaning of Arabic Syntax. Second, it shows a way to approach the important computational problem: Satisfiability (SAT). The described way is based upon the realization that parsing Arabic utilizes the existence of ‘meaning-particles’ within Syntax to efficiently recognize words, phrases and Sentences. Similar meaning-particles are shown to exist in 3CNF formulas, which, when properly handled within the machinery of 3SAT-Solvers, enable structural conditions to be imposed on formulas, sufficient alone to guarantee the efficient production of non-exponentially sized Free Binary Decision Diagrams (FBDDs). We show, why known exponential Lower Bounds on sizes of FBDDs do not contradict our results and reveal practical evidence, obtained for multiplication circuits, supporting our claims.


著者 Elnaserledinellah Mahmood Abdelwahab
発行日 2023-10-29 19:20:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク