Learning to Follow Object-Centric Image Editing Instructions Faithfully


ただし、いくつかの課題に対処する必要があります。1) 過小仕様 (命令の暗黙の意味をモデル化する必要性)、2) グラウンディング (編集を実行する必要がある場所を特定する必要性)、3) 忠実性 (要素を保存する必要性)


Natural language instructions are a powerful interface for editing the outputs of text-to-image diffusion models. However, several challenges need to be addressed: 1) underspecification (the need to model the implicit meaning of instructions) 2) grounding (the need to localize where the edit has to be performed), 3) faithfulness (the need to preserve the elements of the image not affected by the edit instruction). Current approaches focusing on image editing with natural language instructions rely on automatically generated paired data, which, as shown in our investigation, is noisy and sometimes nonsensical, exacerbating the above issues. Building on recent advances in segmentation, Chain-of-Thought prompting, and visual question answering, we significantly improve the quality of the paired data. In addition, we enhance the supervision signal by highlighting parts of the image that need to be changed by the instruction. The model fine-tuned on the improved data is capable of performing fine-grained object-centric edits better than state-of-the-art baselines, mitigating the problems outlined above, as shown by automatic and human evaluations. Moreover, our model is capable of generalizing to domains unseen during training, such as visual metaphors.


著者 Tuhin Chakrabarty,Kanishk Singh,Arkadiy Saakyan,Smaranda Muresan
発行日 2023-10-29 20:39:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV パーマリンク