Socially Cognizant Robotics for a Technology Enhanced Society


私たちは、このアプローチは、あらゆるレベルで AI 駆動のロボットの行動を形成する際に、ステークホルダーの参加(同期的な人間のフィードバックから非同期の社会的評価まで)を強化する必要性から得られたものであり、ロボットの動作を改善するためのさまざまな新しい研究の視点と問題につながると主張します。


Emerging applications of robotics, and concerns about their impact, require the research community to put human-centric objectives front-and-center. To meet this challenge, we advocate an interdisciplinary approach, socially cognizant robotics, which synthesizes technical and social science methods. We argue that this approach follows from the need to empower stakeholder participation (from synchronous human feedback to asynchronous societal assessment) in shaping AI-driven robot behavior at all levels, and leads to a range of novel research perspectives and problems both for improving robots’ interactions with individuals and impacts on society. Drawing on these arguments, we develop best practices for socially cognizant robot design that balance traditional technology-based metrics (e.g. efficiency, precision and accuracy) with critically important, albeit challenging to measure, human and society-based metrics.


著者 Kristin J. Dana,Clinton Andrews,Kostas Bekris,Jacob Feldman,Matthew Stone,Pernille Hemmer,Aaron Mazzeo,Hal Salzman,Jingang Yi
発行日 2023-10-27 17:53:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク